Thursday, June 18, 2009

North Carolina

I know this has been a long time coming... and everytime I write on a thank you note (THANK YOU, by the way) that I have a blog, there is a little twinge inside me that says I should really write something. Lately there has been so much going on, and I really haven't stopped until I got on the plane to North Carolia (where I am now) for Orientation. Don't worry though! I'm not actually leaving until August. Since I don't know exactly where to start this off, I'll just ramble-list for a bit... no particular order... sorry, I'll try to think coherently. Sometime.

*God is good and somehow in the middle of this I know I'm in the right place, even when it seems to conflict *North Carolina is really muggy * The biggest cultural difference in the south is that they have lots of fried foods/carbs which makes them talk slower and generally take life slower, in the Northwest we have lots of coffee which makes us hyper and talk faster and multitask * God often does things in what may seem to be the slow way for us (HOW long before Abraham actually had a son?) * I'm quickly realizing that I didn't know how attached to my cell phone I am... that will be a change * I talked to the girl who 48 hours ago was living in the apartament I'll be in while in Nigeria.... How cool! And she had great info* I will need to focus specifically on jumping into the culture- because when i'm uncomfortable I suddenly turn quiet and shy* I'm really excited that I'll get to have people visit in my apt all the time! In fact, its really really really common. All year long I've been loving learning how to be hospitable and wanting to be more. Perfect. thanks God! * I want my life to be Gospel- to show who Christ is SO clearly, and the biggest obstacle is myself* Today I had the thought... "wow, I really am going to Nigeria..."* God cares more about who He is molding me to be, than what I do*

So that is about all for now, Training has been good, and long, and suprisingly tiring. But--- it has made me desire even more of Christ, and has shown me the very beginning of the pieces that God is exposing in order to refine me. Ouch... already. Praise God for His faithfulness and that He would even want to use me.

Please pray
- for my time with God, and that I would be drawn in intimately with my Savior
-that over the next few weeks I will actively resist the devil and not give in to doubts and fears
-for my parents, extended family, and my boyfriend...
- that the remaining support (slightly less than 3000) will come in
-for my sanity and faith in the process :)

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