Sunday, November 1, 2009

Things I have learned....

Today I was thinking about how many ridiculous small things God has used while I’ve been here. I made a list of things I wanted to learn before I came to Africa that I thought would be helpful. I didn’t end up learning any of them over the summer, but God’s preparation was better than mine. No phases in our lives are wasted, and anything we learn along the way can be used by Him. And it is ridiculously practical! Here are a few silly things I’ve learned that have been used here and the people who taught me.

*Today I made Origami frogs with the boys and they loved it! My brother used to make them out of the Church Bulletin…

*Tuesday we started to learn to books of the New Testament with a song Jason Potampa sang every week in Sunday School when I was a Freshman in High School. (I also survived my first week of Greek because of Jason, but that’s another story)

*In school we sang a song I learned in 5th grade from Mrs. Graves about the continents. Before that, the boys couldn’t point out where Africa was on a world map.

*A TON of things I learned as a SALT leader last year apply to the outreaches we are doing in the brothels.

*Hospitality is incredibly important to Nigerians, and it was a goal of my roommate Hannah and I last year.

*I would not survive here without things I learned about cooking- From my grandma and my mom and from way back when I did 4h. The fact that I have to make everything from scratch is growing my skills by leaps and bounds. We usually all eat together several times a week so cooking for lots of people helps too.

*I have taught the boys a lot, and use things I learned in CEF every time.

*We’ve been brainstorming about how to use crafts to help support the ministry and my mom’s craft skills, plus my family’s history in retail has been really helpful.

*Having an exchange student for a year makes the international community here make a lot more sense to me.

*Mayamba taught me African time !

*I have used every imaginable clapping game, thumb wars, ect.

*There is a swing dance move that I taught to the boys as the “kick kick” game… Thanks Trish, I have it on video for you whenever it happens to upload…

*All the songs from back in the days of The Genesis 1:1 band I was in have come out at some point.

*At least once a week I quote something I learned about God and my relationship to him that is a direct quote from Mary Hynes because we would process so much together over the last 2 years. Other people I quote occasionally include Kathryn Manitsas, Angela Burril, Mark Driscoll (haha.. a lot), Professors, Angela Fritz, Sarah Clews, Tricia Breiter, Karen Choto, Josh…

*The last year I was in dance we did an “African” dance that actually helped me know how to dance right here. Someday I’ll really be able to dance!

*How to change a tire- from Dad in theory and Natalie Reister in practice.

*How to strike up a conversation with anyone- My Grandma RaeEllen

*How to tell creepy guys who try to follow me home to go away- Josh telling me that its ok to be rude if they’re being creepy.

*Not being shocked by much- my parents took me to all sorts of places when I was little. I realized after visiting skid row last spring break that places some people think are way too sketchy just register as “pay attention and it will be ok because God is with you” to me.

*How to squish as many people in a car as possible is a daily occurrence in taxis. They sit 3 in the front and 4 in the back. I learned this in High school giving people rides to Young Life.

*How to take a compliment- from Josh. How to give compliments Tricia and Angela.

*Remembering names and faces because of all the camps, trainings, ect that I went to.

*How to Pee on the side of the road/ Squatty potty… Hannah Pugh has some great theories.

Anyway, the point is that anything is useful in ministry. You never know...


  1. I am excited to hear all your stories when you get back! :) miss you-Sarah

  2. Holly, Tim and I laughed through that whole post. Thank you for reminding me that NOTHING is a waste to God and that God can use all the seemingly random skills I have acquired for his glory. I can't wait to live with you again. :) Maybe you can teach me your cooking skills.
